Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm leaving Lucy with Brandy this weekend because I couldn't find a single hotel within a 50 mile radius (of Pensacola) that would allow me to bring a pet. I hope she doesn't take Madilyn killing her fish out on Luc I'm super excited about the wedding we're going to this weekend (fuck, I still have to get a gift). It will be the first time I have gotten to see my cousin Terri since I was pregnant with M.This will also be the first wedding I have ever taken Maddie too, let's hope that she can refrain from announcing to the entire place that she "pooted." *sigh* my child thinks passing gas is THE funniest thing EVER. She giggles and then has to announce it loudly to everyone. Maddie has been wearing big girl panties for a few weeks far so good. She's only had one accident. When she first started going to the potty we made this huge deal out of "Oh you went into he potty, good girl!" and if I didn't hear her go I would say let me see. SO now when we go to the bathroom and I go she wants to see and she congratulates me on being a big girl and going "peepee" by myself. People in the stall next to us usually get a big kick out of this!


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