Thursday, April 27, 2006


1. I love my life. Like I don't always love it but for the most past I have an awsome life. I have a job that I love, a wonderful daughter and hubby.....a nice house....N and I have most of the things we want...friends that are great.....and a wonderful family. 2. My hands are red because I just ate an entire pint of strawberries. yummy....our friend Jody that owns the fruitstand has the best fresh friut ever. ANd he gives me a great discount. 3.Why is is so hard for people to pay their danm bills? AR is part of my job and I swear it consumes probably 90% of my time. It's amazing that people claim they never get my statements but the minute they get a certified letter threatning small claims they pay. 4. I have pictures on my camera and I keep forgetting to dl to my computer. Speaking of pictures I took M to get her dance pictures for her recital program the other day, the brat refused. Neil and I took out a $100.00 add for her first recital and the child wouldn't even have her picture made to go on it. SO I had to dig out an old picture from home and take it back up there Monday night....when we get there she has the nerve to ask me if she could have her picture taken. Uh, no....that was yesterday you monster. I swear she likes to torment me. 5. Maddie told me last night that she loved her daddy more than me.Ha...I'll remember that tonight when you want me to push you on the swing. 6. Maddie slept with us last night. I secretly love it when she does this, but don't often admit because I don't want her in my bed everynight. I like to sleep beside my husband too, but there is nothing better than waking up in the morning next to the two people you love most. I love watching M and N sleep....I have since she was a baby. 7. I am on my period this week....notice the sapiness. 8.I still cannot make paragraphs. I just have to space until I get to the next line. This works well with lists but I'm not sure how it will work with anything else. 9.I wanted to make it to ten but I can't think of anything else random....or anything else at all.


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