Wednesday, June 21, 2006


How crunchy are you? I wasn't crunchy at all with M, well mabe a little....but not much. I tried to breast feed, but didn't have much luck nor support from her then ped or the nursing staff at the hospital. They all thought I was trying to starve my baby. I made some of my own food, but not much. In the past three years I've learned sooo much and plan on doing things completely different nect time around. *gasp* I've even considered taking up to a year off work to be a SAHM (although I doubt I go through with's huge for me to consider it) Some of the things I will be doing differently are: I will be breast feeding! I know tons of ways to help with supply problems and and latching problems now that I didn't have a clue about with M. I will be using cloth diapers instead of sposies. I battled paper rash with M, not to mention the fact that I went through a box of diapers a week. Plus, have you ever paid any attention to what those things are made of?! Not to mention that cloth diapers are the custest thing ever. Neil thinks this is crazy...he actually asked me if it was a cost issue??? lol like cloth diapering is that cheap. and like we're that freakin poor. I will make more of our own food. This was something I really really wanted to with M but didn't do as much of in the end. I've been trying for us to all eat healtheir anyway so it shouldn't be hard to do with a baby. I did some delayed vaxing with Maddie....but let the doctor talk me into some vac's that I wasn't sure about. I will be studying this much more between now and pregnancy time. I won't be homeschooling. I'm not a fan of home schooling, and I'm not sure that I would want to teach my children. Not sure if they will be doing public or private....we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I would also love to do a homebirth, but I can't seem to find any information about them in this state?? I've found a few hospitals that would let me have a birthing pool, stool and some other I might have to go that route. I'm also a daycare advocate...not all daycares just the one I use. I've been really lucky to find a great place, and I think no more of leaving with M with anyone at her center than I do of leaving her with my mom. lol, not sure why I felt the need to blog about this. I've just been reading up alot lately on parenting stuff and thinking about how I want to raise my family. One of things that has always bothered me was that I didn't bf M long at all. I just listened to the nurses tell me supply was low and gave into formula feeding. I knew the benifits of the breast...but didn't know/have the resources to help me. That won't happen next time!


Blogger j.sterling said...

talk to toots about this.. seriously. she did cloth diapers this last time with emma and she BF for, FOREVER with this kid. LOL..
i'm apparently not really crunchy at all. wtf is crunchy?!?

5:43 PM  
Blogger Shawna said...

I breastfed for 18 months with both of my kids. I will probably go a little longer w/ my next if he/she doesn't wean themself before then. I think it's great that you are going to try it again longer! I have thought about cloth diapering too, but was always afraid it'd be too much of a hassle.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Becky at lifeoutoffocus said...

what is crunchy lol good for you. i know i wont BF my next one. and i'm such a HUGE fan of disposable diapers. but i totally support you in doing it the way you want to and good luck with it!!!

9:08 AM  

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