Friday, June 16, 2006

Is this fair?

6 adults are going out to eat tonight, if we take children there will be a total of nine. Maddie is usually very well behaved when we go out to eat (if not I just go lock her in the car) 1. because she loves to eat, I mean this kid loves to eat. and 2. because she has been taught from a very early age. Couple 3 has 2 children that are total brats everywhere....I can't even imagine trying to eat at a nice place with them. SO I'm trying to make reservations but I don't know if B wants to bring her kids or not. If she brings her kids, then I'm sure with the 3 of them IT WILL BE HELL. If she doesn't bring her kids, then it isn't really fair for me to bring M while she has to leave her kids at home. BUT then it isn't fair to my child that knows how to behave to have to miss going because they can't. What to do?


Blogger Jenn said...

Not really fair....but I guess it's a matter of is it more important for you to have a good time (without their bratty kids), or bring yours. sucks.

10:44 AM  

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