It may seem as I have forgotten all about wonderful blog. But I have not I've just been super busy and not really all that "type happy" lately. Yesterday was my step FIL's funeral....should be a sad day but it really wasn't. He's been very sick for a long time and I feel that this is something that should have happened ahile back. I also made a complete foll of my self. WHen we were getting ready to go to graveside service I noticed that everyone had flowers in the back of their his flowers the one taht you put on the grave. I kept my mouth shut the entire time in the car and when we arrived I hopped out of the car and jokingly wondered if we ahs to transport the dead body too. N glares at me like STFU and I'm like what? I was just wondering because we had to transport all the flowers which I find a bit odd....but whatever. Cassy (N's favorite one of his aunt's) whispers that Karen (mil) did that because of cost issues. Yep...I felt like a jack ass, but seriously I thought everything was covered under one cost.
what? i'm confused...
We missed you......and oopsie on the funeral thing. *cringe* I hate when shit like that happens.
'Ster, basically she made a joke (which was meant to be against the funeral home) that they had to carry the flowers to the gravesite themselves.....and the home didn't do it for them....but meanwhile her MIL did it that way on purpose cause she couldn't afford the extra charge. of those "Open Mouth - Insert Foot" moments.
Oh man, I wouldn't know any of that stuff either. It's not like I go to funerals every weekend and understand all the ins and outs of flowers and whatnot. So sorry about your FIL.
But hey, thanks for the blogroll shout out mama! You must be one of those lurkers I hear so much about...
oh man tina!
yep. I felt like an ass. Iw as trying to make light of it and instead made a complete and total ass of myself.
Oha nd feel free to point out to me that I can't fucking type.....because I'm not stupid....I just type too fast.
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