It's been decided
that if I can find a good part time job (like Starbucks! one or two shifts a week) that when we have another baby I'll be staying home for a year. Eek! While I'm super excited, I'm also scared to death. I've never been the stay at home type. I like work....but seeing how breast feeding is really important to us, and I hate hate hate fucking pumping (I tried with M) I'll be home at least a year.Hopefully by that point the baby would only need a couple of feedings a day, so maybe we wouldn't ahve to pump. Or if we did just once a day. I aslo started thinking about how much busier we'll be with two kids. LIke with Maddie we just cahnged our life to fit her. With a second you can't really do that. While I worked with M she still had me to herself every night, with a baby I'll be sharing my time. So by staying home, I'll get some quality baby/mommy time too. I think we have it planned out. We'll start trying in July/August 07, the baby will be born around May so M, baby, and I will have about 3 months and then M will start school, so the baby and I will have 9 months. All this sounds great, we just ahve to see if I can find a job with benifits that will fit the needs of our family.