Friday, April 28, 2006

I'm thinking of hiring a maid. With my full time job and keeping the books up for Neil's business I just don't seem to have the time to clean my house anymore. So I talked to Neil last night to make sure he didn't have any problem with some stranger coming in our home once a week, and he doesn' I'm going see if the lady that does my mom's house can come once a week.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


1. I love my life. Like I don't always love it but for the most past I have an awsome life. I have a job that I love, a wonderful daughter and hubby.....a nice house....N and I have most of the things we want...friends that are great.....and a wonderful family. 2. My hands are red because I just ate an entire pint of strawberries. yummy....our friend Jody that owns the fruitstand has the best fresh friut ever. ANd he gives me a great discount. 3.Why is is so hard for people to pay their danm bills? AR is part of my job and I swear it consumes probably 90% of my time. It's amazing that people claim they never get my statements but the minute they get a certified letter threatning small claims they pay. 4. I have pictures on my camera and I keep forgetting to dl to my computer. Speaking of pictures I took M to get her dance pictures for her recital program the other day, the brat refused. Neil and I took out a $100.00 add for her first recital and the child wouldn't even have her picture made to go on it. SO I had to dig out an old picture from home and take it back up there Monday night....when we get there she has the nerve to ask me if she could have her picture taken. Uh, no....that was yesterday you monster. I swear she likes to torment me. 5. Maddie told me last night that she loved her daddy more than me.Ha...I'll remember that tonight when you want me to push you on the swing. 6. Maddie slept with us last night. I secretly love it when she does this, but don't often admit because I don't want her in my bed everynight. I like to sleep beside my husband too, but there is nothing better than waking up in the morning next to the two people you love most. I love watching M and N sleep....I have since she was a baby. 7. I am on my period this week....notice the sapiness. 8.I still cannot make paragraphs. I just have to space until I get to the next line. This works well with lists but I'm not sure how it will work with anything else. 9.I wanted to make it to ten but I can't think of anything else random....or anything else at all.

Friday, April 21, 2006

The World MUST be coming to an end.

  1. Because it is raining.....for the first time since Feb. 2. My MIL called this afternoon for the first time in my daughter's almost 3 year old like span to see if she could spend the night. This is huge! Really I can count on one hand the number of times she has seen M in the past 6 months and she lives 10 minutes away from my house. I know it sounds bitchy that I don't take her over there...but I don't do it for anyone else and I'll be damned if I'm going to do it for someone that has more off time than me and that makes the other 3 grandchildren her 1st priority and then tells N and I about everything she does for them. Granted her daughter pushes the children on her and I owuld never leave my children as much as she does (like 2 or 3 times a week...for overnight visits) but it would be nice for my child to be recognized. It mainly just pisses me the fuck off...but it really hurts N's feelings. I mean my mother, his stepmother, and my grandmother (that lives an hour away) comes and sees M all the time. And yes, they get the first calls if we need a sitter. That might sound shitty but if people can't put forth an effort to see my child or even call and talk to her then I'll be damned if I'm gonna bend over backwards to help their relationship with her. N feels the same way but it's harder for him to admit because it's his mother. WHen she first called today I thought AH HA! Neil must have said something to her (we had a fight about this last week) but low and behold I called and he said that he didn't. You mean that she really did this all on her own? Wow....maybe this is a turning point.....or N's lying. But whatever works.
I love this time of year....even if it is 95 degrees outside. I love that when I get home from work we still ahve about 2 and a half hours left of daylight, I love the fact that we do tons of grilling this time of year, and is it just me or does beer taste better in the summer? Not to mention that when we don't come in until 7:30 there is just enough time for M to eat, bathe, read a book and get ready for bed! destroying of my clean house.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Obese teens?

not where I was this past weekend. This week is Spring Break around here, so my parents rented a place in Orange Beach for a week. Me being the beach bum that I am took off for a few days to play in the sun. I swear to you out of the 500 teenages I saw a day only one or maybe two were even the slightest bit overweight. SO are teens not obese or do fat kids go elsewhere for Spring Break? I was probably the fattest person by the pool and I'm a whopping 120 ibs. but around these kids I felt like shamoo! But we had a good was nice and relaxing and beautiful. We stayed at the Phoenix V and they had a little 1ft kiddo pool that Madilyn adored. We took the boat out Saturday and cruised around Ono Island and Terry COve (where the rich people live) and got to see dolphins playing!! I got burnt on the first day and had to where M sunscreen for the next two days (only on the front side) and M was amazed at the beach! lol she's been there a few times before but not since she's been older. We looked for sand crabs and seashells and built sand castles. Neil and I are thinking of taking a mini break there later in the summer.We are also thinking of selling our big boat and buying two jet ski's (woohoo!!!!) I would love to buy a place over there but real estate is unreal. N's sister Kelli (the one I like) and her husband just bought a place over there two years ago. It's like 7 or 800 sq. ft. with no weiw of the beach for 250,000.00 and it's doubled in value in two years. *shakes head* if we could afford it I think it would be a great money maker....but I'm scared the bottom is going to drop in the real estate industry. But Kelli is a painter and she does beautiful work and I love how she has everything all decorated over there. Poor things, they bought their place like two months before Ivan hit and it got hit pretty hard and they just got to use it like 2 months ago for the first time!!! But I love it....N and I hope to stay over there some with them. Hi everyone!! I've missed reading your blogs and writing in my blog!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

It may seem as I have forgotten all about wonderful blog. But I have not I've just been super busy and not really all that "type happy" lately. Yesterday was my step FIL's funeral....should be a sad day but it really wasn't. He's been very sick for a long time and I feel that this is something that should have happened ahile back. I also made a complete foll of my self. WHen we were getting ready to go to graveside service I noticed that everyone had flowers in the back of their his flowers the one taht you put on the grave. I kept my mouth shut the entire time in the car and when we arrived I hopped out of the car and jokingly wondered if we ahs to transport the dead body too. N glares at me like STFU and I'm like what? I was just wondering because we had to transport all the flowers which I find a bit odd....but whatever. Cassy (N's favorite one of his aunt's) whispers that Karen (mil) did that because of cost issues. Yep...I felt like a jack ass, but seriously I thought everything was covered under one cost.