Monday, February 27, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Arg! I've been swamped today at sucks I haven't had time to do anything. Thankfully now it's time to go home. N and I have the house to ourself tonight, M is staying with my grandma!woohoo!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just because I answer the phone here, doesn't mean I can help you. No I don't know how long J***y will be on the phone. No I don't know if we worked on your machine yet....I'm not a mechanic. WHen I answer the phone all I need from you is who or what department you want. There is no point in telling me your name, what you ordered, when you ordered it, and has it came in yet. I don't do that. Every call is no I won't go tell him to pick up your call before the other calls. And really means you hold. Not call me back in .2 seconds to tell me they didn't pick up....give them time to get to the fucking phone.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

I have nothing to say today.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


We finally have some! I took off early yesterday to go grocery shopping..pathetic I know. But we had nothing to eat, nothing. WHat's sad is I sat on my ass all day Saturday and SUnday and then had to take off Monday to go to the grocery store. Neil is our grocery shopper, not me. He can go in spend $50.00 and we'll be a ble to eat like kings for a week!I go in and spend $200.00 and get home only to discover that there is nothing worth eating in the bag. I did pretty good yesterday though. I spent 200.00 and got enough meat to last us at least a week....if i cook every night (which I never do) but probably about a week and half. Tonight we are having beef stew and cornbread. yummy.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Call me cheap

but I refuse to buy new cell phones. It's not that I can't afford a $200.00 cell phone. I just don't fucking want to, I don't see the point. It's a phone...all I want it to do is work like a phone. I have never owned a camera phone...until now. My mom bought a new phone so once again I get her old one. I still don't see the hype...I've taken two pictures and that was just because I was trying to change my screensaver.
M has learned how to work my digital camera. Se holds it, tells us to smile and then flash...she takes a picture of herself. SHe's holding the damn thing backwards! lol so we know have tons of pictures of her nose, mouth, and eyes. Oh that she is all Miss Anti Picture Taker these are the only ones we have.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Things I love

I love the days that I get to spend the entire day at home, in my pj's. We did that yesterday all day...and didn't put actual clothes on until this morning when we went to eat breakfast. It was nice. zwe sat around eating cookies, ice cream, and popcorn watching movies all day. My ass isn't thrilled but I enjoyed it. I love it when Neil cooks dinner. I love watching my daughter and my husband together..doing anything it doesn't matter if they are sleeping or arguing or playing I always have to pause and watch them for a few minutes. I love that when N is in a shitty mood Maddie can always make him smile. lol she told me today that she was going to marry her daddy.How sweet is that? I love when Lucy curls up next to me. And strawberry cheesecake ice cream...I love that too.

Friday, February 17, 2006


The zits on my face not the comic strip. So this is really gross and probably tmi but I'm gonna share anyway. Have you ever had one of those big ass under the skin pimples that make your entire head hurt, and there is nothing you can do about them. Like no popping no covering up with makeup or anything. Just sits there like a nice shiny sign flashing "here I am," *sigh* I have one of those right over my left eyebrow. It is seriously making my entire head's so big even my 2 year old noticed it, she called it a boo-boo and went and got me a banddaddy(bandaid) Sad isn't it. ANd worse I keep touching it...and worse than that I'm blogging about a zit. I suck.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Nothing of any importance

Just random thoughts everyday. This day seems to be creeping along...I feel like I've been at work for 100 hours today. It doesn't help that N gave himself the day off and I'm stuck here:( I hate working when he doesnt have to. paragraphs again. grr. Wow...I'm all out of words. weird.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Am I really this dumb?

So I've been trying to figure out how to link other blogs to my blog for like 3 days now! I can't fucking do it....there are zillions of bloggers that can do this...why is it so hard for me? I'm not copmuter savy or anything but I don't really consider myself computer stupid...but wtf? Why can I not do this? Okay nmd! BEcky just helped me and I think I did it! Yay us!!!! But sheesh does it have to be that complicated? Good lord.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valetine's Day
So is Valentine's Day all that important to you? It isn't to me, but it obviously was to the 6 million people in Walmart yesterday. I mean I don't get...yes I picked N up a box of candy ONLY because they were sitting right in front of me when I was checking out. If it wasn't for that he wouldn't have gotten jack shit. No way in hell was I gonna play bumper carts with 200 people crowded in the v-day isle.
AH yay! Jenn taught me how to make paragraph...thank goodness it was driving me nuts!
Woohoo paragraph happy!
So done with that now.
heh, almost. I was talking to Kellie ( the SIL I like) the other day and she was telling me about how her and Ron had managed their money so that they could do the things they wanted to own a home at the beach! I want one of those so bad I could taste it, and the only person I know that has enough money to buy one (my grandfather) won't buy me one. *pouts* But it is supposed to make me a better person by working for shit myself blah blah blah. But it got me thinking about plans that I have for our future. Like 5 year plans or whatever.
SO do you have a five year plan? I have a rough outline but I don't actually have a plan in writing. I mean, I know that within 12 months N and I will have all our small shit paid off. Like the home improvment shit we did, and building a new porch, and the one credit card we have. ANd within 5 years we should have everything we own paid off but our home. WOw! How fucking awsome will that be? Seriously to have hardly any bills. Then we will be looking at commercial property to buy, I've been wanting some for awhile but I don't have the money right now...hopefully in 5 years I will an hopefully I'll be able to find some somewhere.
Oh yeah and Ster don't steal my 5 year plan question for the forum...I'm gonna post it in a few minutes

Monday, February 13, 2006

SO I completely forgot to writew about our Mardi Gras ball (I'll post pics later, lol I only took three) that was Friday night. I actually love going to these things, it gives me a chance to be girly which is something I'm not 90% of the time. So I have these hott ass shoes that I wore last year...they fucking killed my feet. I brought them along in my bad this year, just in case I decided to wear them. I finally decided on the black and white dress after putting on the red one (that has never been worn, that N hates) and another black slutty one. I had two pair of black shoes with me...the super pretty 4 inch heel ones or the OK 2 inch heel black ones. Guess which ones I wore...yep the ones that kill my feet. I tried them on in the room and thought wow they don't hurt that bad, um yeah until you actually try to walk in them. But I must say they made my dress, so I guess is was worth it. I'm going to the Inca's this Friday night, me and a friend of mine Krystal. This should be fun! Oh and let me just tell you about drunk blonde in the pink sequin dress. 1. full length sequin gows are awful...unless your a 70 year old grandmother. Never wear that again. 2. Falling down the escalator(sp) before call outs even started was funny...but not the best way to start the evening. I told Neil that we would have to look for you and your meltdown later. 3. Girls fighting is just trashy, and throwing up all over yourself while trying to fight is even more trashy. But kudos to you for not missing a beat, I mean damn you didn't even pause to wipe off your mouth! and last but not least number 4. I realize that one of your shoes had fell off but when trying to fix it there was no need to hold your dress up to your braless sagging tits...yeah we all saw what was under you dress...NOTHING! and it was gross not even the dsrunken lug next to me thought it was apealing (and I'm not talking about N this time) But it sure was funny watching you get carried out. Next time DRINK LESS!!!!! Overall it ws a good night. The rain held off for the parade even if it was storming when we went to leave and I had to run barefoot through the streets to get to the room (wtf were the cabs? I called yelow cab and ya'll had none it's mardi gras) me and my feet survived.

I'm a little confused as to why it tells me to republish my blog in 10 minutes everytime I try to post something. I've typed out two new entrys since the first one and I can't get either of them to post. ANd I still can't make paragraphs in is this supposed to be this hard? I always say I don't watch the OLYMPICS...but what I should say is that I don't intend to watch them. I never mean to put it on that channel but if I's over. They suck me right in. I'm not normally a corny or sappy person but for some reason everytime the US wins a gold and they play the national anthym (did I spell that right) my heart soars, like I can feel the pride well up inside of me. Strange, but it has happened since I was a little girl. ANd let me just say that I love the flying tomato! How fucking cool is he!

Friday, February 10, 2006

SO I've had a bit of trouble this mornign trying to figure out how to post in my blog, this seems to be working so we shall see. WHy is my very first entry posted twice? Did I do that? I decided to chenge my name to Tina...which is my actual name insted of the fake one I had up befre. Why the fuck can I not make paragraphs?! arg! How annoying, I have oone giant paragraph.Our Mardi Gras ball is tonight and it is supposed to rain:( That sucks especially if it rains and is cold, I have no jacket to match any of my gowns. Which btw I haven't decided on which one I'm wearing yet, I want to wear the red one I got from Krystal but I have no shoe to match it. SO maybe today after I get my hair fixed I can shop for shoes. If not I'll just wear one of the 5 I alreayd have in my closet. N and I got into a huge fight last night and guess what I did....I ate freakin McDonald's at 8'oclock last night. WTF? yeah that really hurt him...well it might if I squash him while we're having sex. We didn't make up til this morning which means I brewd all night. SO I was seriuosly pissed this morning, and they dip shit had the nerve to ask for sex. Stupid prick. Lucy my dog ( I would post pics but I don't know how, oh and I want someone to tell me how to change links to words) has these little charm things on her collar; one fith her name, address, and phone number in case she gets lost. The other shows that she has had her rabies shot (did I spell rabies right) so every time she runs or walks or skips or whatever the hell it is she does in the middle of the night I hear jingle jingle jingle. OMG! FOr the love of all things holy...just go to sleep.
WTF? why is my blog not showing up? LIke my new post. I posted a whole long as post earlier and it isn't here. Now I don't know wtf it was even about. grr. It was about the dog, and the husband, and I don't remember what else.